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Reading: Proficient - 24%, Distinguished - 10% | Math: Proficient - 23%, Distinguished - 5%

New Haven School

Modernizing New Haven School

New Haven School's exterior and interior will see a radical transformation under the District Facility Plan approved by the Local Planning Committee in 2021.

Plans call for the entrance to be relocated closer to the cafeteria, which will also be remodeled to allow for more natural light and better adaptability to serve as a community gathering space. A canopy will connect the gymnasium to the main school building, a feature long sought that will shelter students from the elements. At the rear of the building, a new drop-off would serve the pre-K classes that were added in 2022 as part of the community Early Learning Center expansion.

New Haven School Future Vision

DEEP DIVE: Increasing Equity & Opportunity for New Haven Middle-Schoolers

Uniting our middle schools will increase opportunity for all students, especially those who live in rural areas. One example is New Haven School. To understand how it will benefit these students we must look at our current reality and the possibilities unlocked by a community campus that unites students and resources.

New Haven School Current Reality & Possibilities

School Focus

See how the District Facility Plan and the Community Campus model will transform specific schools
Community CampusNelson County High