Welcome to your Nelson County Schools Benefits home.
Nelson County Schools offers employee benefits from two sources: state employee benefits and employee voluntary benefits.
State-provided benefits are offered through the Kentucky Employees’ Health Plan (KEHP):
- Health, Dental and Vision
- Life Insurance
- Deferred Compensation
Employee Voluntary benefits are administered by Houchens Insurance Group and include:
- Short-term & Long-term Disability
- Cancer Insurance
- Voluntary Group Term Life Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Group Critical Illness
For more information on voluntary benefits available click here. A representative from Houchens Insurance Group will reach out to new employees regarding plan details and enrollment.
State Health Benefits through Kentucky Employees’ Health Plan
For new regularly employed employees who are eligible for health insurance benefits at the time they are hired, coverage will begin on the first day of the second calendar month following an employee’s hire date. For example, if employment begins anytime in August, the employee is eligible for coverage October 1.
Within the first 35 calendar days of employment, employees must make insurance elections online in KHRIS ESS (preferred method) or complete an Enrollment Application and submit to the Insurance Coordinator. You can visit the KEHP website for enrollment instructions and guidelines.
Employees who fail to make their Health Insurance elections or waive coverage will be automatically enrolled in the the LivingWell Basic single plan with no HRA funding.
Employees should visit the Kentucky Employees’ Health Plan to locate the Benefits Selection Guide and plan details.
The enrollment process employees can expect is as follows:
- Upon hiring, the insurance coordinator will enter the new employee's information into KHRIS.
- KHRIS will generate a system ID number. This number along with enrollment instructions will be mailed to the employee’s home address.
- An employee must make enrollment selections through KHRIS online enrollment within 35 days of their hire date. An employee may also enroll by completing an Employee Benefits Enrollment Change Form and submitting to the insurance coordinator.
- The Department of Employee Insurance (DEI) will process the enrollment and submit it to Anthem.
- Anthem processes the enrollment and mails ID cards.
- DEI sends a file to the district payroll to import premium deductions.